The film’s production team, Paris based ACE Entertainment Films, also produced the successful Lionsgate-released The Adventures of Jurassic Pet, The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: The Lost Secret, and the franchise’s upcoming third installment is due this fall. Directed by Stephen Shimek, written and by Nick Pollack, executive produced by Jérome Reygner-Kalfon and Sébastien Semon, and produced by Brian Vilim and Zeus Zamani. The delightful time-hopping, all-ages tale is full of magic, monsters, friendship and family values.
Three kids discover a magical raincoat that transports them into the body of its former owner: a cursed magician last seen in the 1930s. With a scorned witch hot on their trail, they must solve the mystery of the raincoat and break its curse before it’s too late.
Lise Romanoff, CEO and Managing Director of Vision Films, shares, “The Magician’s Raincoat is a classic take on a tale of kids stepping into the magician’s shoes, reminiscent of the film “Big.” It will delight audiences with its whimsical charm and cast of fun characters.”
Executive Producer Jérome Reygner-Kalfon says, “The Magician’s Raincoat weaves a tale where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, reminding us that magic is often found in the most unexpected places.”
The film stars Ashton Leigh (For the Love of Lily), Bryson Robinson (The Disinvited), Cory Phillips (Doctor Who: The Soldier Stories, voice of over a 100 anime titles from Crunchyroll), Laura Shatkus (Tulsa King), Jake Alexander Williams (The Actor), and Taylor Bedford (Country Christmas Album).