Indie Wrap is excited to have the opportunity of catching up with one its favourite rising stars Douglas Vermeeren. Douglas Vermeeren is an actor and stunt man who has been making waves in the Hollywood community. We have always been excited about some of the big things that have been happening in his acting and film career and this time is no different. Here’s some of the highlights from the recent interview:
Indiewrap: It seems like you are extremely busy lately. Can you tell us about some of the projects you’ve been working on in LA?
Douglas Vermeeren: It has been busy. But I’m very grateful for it. I just finished two great projects in LA. One of them is a really cool horror movie called Tenants. I play a really terrifying character called Leonard who has some very interesting hidden secrets that end up creating some very surprising dangers for those who live in the apartment complex that he manages. It’s quite a terrifying story and will definitely be a scary movie people will enjoy.
The other project is a bit of a secret. I’m not allowed to talk about yet, but it be airing on Paramount Plus almost any day now. Keep an eye out.

Indiewrap: You’ve been doing a lot of travel and work on other projects lately as well haven’t you?
Douglas Vermeeren: I have. And there are few project coming that I haven’t yet started. Earlier this month I played the primary bad guy Billy in a co-production with Adam Jack. I’ve worked with Adam before. He is such a talented guy. The last film I did with him, The Lurker, has been cleaning up at all the film festivals. It’s an incredible story and deserves all of the recognition it’s getting. I am in awe of how many awards they’ve been winning. I’m so excited to be part of the team. It’s definitely a must see.
The new endeavour is a very relevant film for todays racial climate. The film is called Jackknife. I don’t want to give away too much but it’s a unique and interesting story of how two young black teens get mixed up and misidentified as perpetrators in a serious crime in their community. Naturally this entanglement places them in a dangerous hunt that includes the police, the real criminals and others looking for justice and mercy. It’s an incredible story. When I first read the script I was so excited to be invited to be part this incredible story.
Directly after that film I head over to play Sheriff Bellamy in the upcoming Horror film Fresh Meat by Daniel Torres. Daniel and I have been friends for quite sometime. We met a while back at the Cannes film festival in France and we’ve been wanting to work together ever since. He has a very keen sense of what makes a unique and fun horror movie in todays marketplace. Fresh Meat s going to be an instant horror classic. We will be shooting this film in Canada in late October of 2023.
And right behind that for me is a very fun project. But not for the reasons you’d expect. Most people know that the reason I got involved in movies is because I am fan first above all. As a martial artist Used to watch tons of martial arts films growing up. One of my favourite martial artists to watch was Cynthia Rothrock. She’s done almost 70 martial films. She’s a legend! Well here’s the exciting part, I get to play one of the main bad guys, Hank Winslow, in her upcoming western film – Black Creek. I get to be in a movie with one of my heroes! That’s a crazy feeling.
We start shooting in October in Tucson Arizona. My first day on set is Halloween October 31.

Indiewrap: That must be exciting to play alongside someone you used to watch.
Douglas Vermeeren: It’s actually a bit surreal. But it’s going to be super fun. Along side Cynthia, the film features several other Martial arts legends that I grew up admiring. So it’s going to be very fun. I feel very blessed to have been invited to be part of this project.
Indiewrap: I understand you are a martial artist yourself. Are you going to be fighting in this film?
Douglas Vermeeren: I have a background in several martial arts but my primary focus has been Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I love it and have even competed over the years. I can’t answer whether I will fight in this movie because I think that would give too much away about the film. You’ll have to go and see it.

Indiewrap: It seems like most of these upcoming characters you are playing are bad guys. How is playing a bad guy different than playing other characters?
Douglas Vermeeren: I love playing all kinds of characters but bad guys seem to be especially fun. I think bad guys offer a unique perspective. After all bad guys generally don’t believe they are bad guys.
Bad guys think they are fighting for something that is right. No bad guy ever believes they are bad.
So I love the idea of trying to play something sinister but have it disguised in the characters mind as justified. It’s a very interesting tight rope to try and navigate.
But not all the characters I get to play coming up are inherently bad. I have just finished an animated show called Monster Hunters Inc. where I play Rufus Gideon Bennett. This is a super fun steam punk super hero kind of project. My character is the only human in the history of the world to go head to head against to savage werewolves and live. I don’t think Rufus is bad and when you understand his motives for hunting monsters it really makes sense. Just a warning for those who want to watch this show, it’s pretty violent for an animated film.

Indiewrap: You certainly are one of the busiest actors that we have been following? Have the SAG strikes interrupted your ability to work?
Douglas Vermeeren: Most of the projects I’ve been involved with have been able to obtain waivers to continue working. I definitely have been hurt by the strikes, but I know there are many in far worse circumstances than I am in and I sincerely hope things can be resolved quickly.
Indiewrap: It’s great to chat with you as usual. Any last parting words you’d like to share?
Douglas Vermeeren: I think one of the things that I’d like to say is a sincerely thank you. Thank you to all of the people who have been so supportive of my career. And thank you to everyone who has returned to the movie theaters. That’s really where movies are meant to be watched and shared with others. I know that everyone I have worked with is also grateful for the support the projects we create receives. So most of all I just want to say thank you!
You can follow Douglas Vermeeren on all major social media outlets and his official website