Leica Gallery Los Angeles announces its upcoming photographic exhibition, “Idol Moments,” featuring the works of renowned Hollywood photographer, Eddy Chen. Known for his captivating visual narratives spanning acclaimed productions such as Euphoria, Glee, Animal Kingdom, and most recently, HBO’s The Idol, Chen brings viewers up close and behind the scenes of contemporary filmmaking.
The exhibition, entirely shot on 35mm film using the Leica MP and M7 on CineStill Film, departs from traditional unit photography, adopting a photojournalistic approach. Chen’s images capture the excitement, challenges, and passion that permeates the set.
“Eddy’s photography serves as a vivid reminder of the evocative power of still images,” says Leica Gallery Director, Paris Chong. “His work weaves together compelling narratives, sparks the imagination, and evokes emotions in a language unique to the medium.”
The exhibition is a celebration of the magic of cinema and the untold stories that lie within its creation. Visitors will embark on a journey that brings the enchantment of cinema to life, capturing the essence of the art form in its most intimate manifestation.
The exhibition opens with an Artist Reception on August 3rd and will be on view through September 11th. Images courtesy of HBO.