Hi there! It’s a pleasure to have you today! First, can you introduce yourself to our readers and share a bit about who you are, where you’re from, and what you do?
My name is Sol Romero. I am an artist and an actress. I was born in Mexico `city and my mom is Swiss, I have a bit of the best worlds.
“You are known for your roles in Hors de contrôle (2010), Kachorra (2002) or My Name Is Arlein (2008), but how did it all started? Is there a specific time / event that made you realise that this is what you wanted to do?
It is actually funny, sad funny. My dad was definitely against me doing any kind of acting, movie, modelling and when he passed away I got offered the chance to be a part of the movie Once upon in Mexico and without much thinking and any doubts I grabbed the chance. Art is something that inspired me my whole life and I adore doing anything that has something to do with art, I just need an opportunity to come my way.
How do you choose the movies you starred in, what is the most important thing you look at when accepting a project?
It would be if it is something that speaks to me in artistic way and the financial part plays a big role as well

In 2022, you starred in “Memory” directed by Martin Campbell, with a great cast including Liam Neeson and Monica Bellucci. Could you tell us more about this project?
This film is amazing because it touches on such a crucial and sensitive topic at the same time. It tells us about Alzheimer. It’s obvious that not many people are eager to talk about it that’s why it’s important to bring this topic up. Moreover, Alzheimer affects enormous amounts of people every year and unfortunately, there is no treatment, so we have to draw as much attention as possible.
Likewise, working in a movie is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people. I met an amazing person – Herrold Torres who is my friend now. He is a real pro. He is so good at acting.
Monica Bellucci was also in the cast. Surprisingly, that was her first time being killed in a movie.
Being a part of the movie as well as having the opportunity to be behind the scenes is a valuable experience.
How do you get into a role? Please share with our readers your acting process, from reading a script to acting.
My acting process in the Memory was quite simple since me and my husband, we spend a lot of time talking about it. It was almost unnecessary for me to read the plot because I knew it so well.
I was ready to play any role just to be a part of that fascinating movie.
In the other movies I have definitely prepared myself, especially in My name is Arlein. I spent a whole week in Switzerland. I went completely radio silent. I remember visiting patients, talking to them, it is nothing what you get traumatized from, but it takes a toll on you. Especially when you try to put yourself in those patient’s position. Some of them had schizophrenia, some committed murders and my goal was to get into their mind and it took a lot of efforts.
What are the most common challenges you go through in the filmmaking process?
Timing might be a real challenge. If you have a good, competent director who is well prepared and knows exactly when and where your queue starts everything falls into place. Movie industry is made up of so many different aspects – the light, the actors, the make up, the set design, the timing, the real light. Everything has to be controlled properly. Even the biggest studios have timing, you might have only one hour to pull off your scene and if you’re not prepared – too bad.

What do you want viewers to take from your performance, when films hit theatres?
Dramatic. No, just a joke. I love dramatic but I do not think I get caught for that. I prefer comedy.So, I guess, to enjoy my performance. If they like it.
You starred in “Memory” but you are also part of the original music. Your song Bodega de Lingotes (feat Sargento Rap) is played in the movie. Please tell us more about your music career and how your music ended up in the soundtrack of the film.
First of all, I love music and I studied Opera in the conservatory in Mexico, when I was 12 and that was one thing my dad was okay with me doing. Music has always been a part of me. Music, music and music, really hardcore. With Botega de Lingote, I was in a group with friends on Instagram and I saw Sargento, we are both from Mexico. So we started talking and I just asked him why don’t we do a song and we did this song together. We honestly didn’t think much about it. We were like – Let’s do it and see how it goes.
Martin asked me to send him songs, so I’ve sent him a bunch and he chose Bodega de Lingotes. After a huge process of everybody agreeing – they said yes. I was on cloud nine.
Do you have any anecdotes to share with us, events that occurs during your career?
When Martin was filming Edge of darkness it was super exciting because I was going to have a role. I’ve never had a role with speaking before. I prepared for months, working on dialogues, acting. I took it seriously. I was ready to put my heart, soul and back into getting ready for the role.
When the day came, I found a nanny to babysit my daughter but when I got on the set I was told I can’t be in a movie. The reason was that I hadn’t visa at that time. Needless to say – I was feeling terrible. I was so devastated but I had to embrace it.

Now that “Memory” is out, what are the upcoming projects you are working on?
To be honest, I have so many upcoming projects. I am always preoccupied with something. I have to think which one I am allowed to talk about. I am working on a song and I am working on my Youtube Channel a lot, we are posting content regularly, doing Social Media, shooting. My manager is keeping me over busy.
What can we wish for your future?
Wish me luck and let’s hope only for the better!
I wish you all the best and you wish me too. Yes, for both of us!