After years of searching Master Hughes, has located, the Kiamichi beast Oklahoma’s oldest Bigfoot. His expedition is published in 2 movies now playing on . Master Hughes expedition is fascinating, you feel like your right in the woods with him as he searches for the beast.
He discovered and named the Kiamichi beast. The expedition for the kiamichi beast was a tedious journey. For over 200 years, the beast has roamed the Oklahoma Arkansas area. The Indians say he would raid the camps and steal children. Now adays the locals want the legend buried.

A true story that exposes an expedition and adventure journey into the wild, The Kiamichi beast expedient and the kiamichi beast expedition 2 have become popular movies on tubitv. Now a 3rd expedition is under way and to be released December 2022 called Trail of the kiamichi Beast Which will exposé more information on the beast.
The expedition is real the facts are true. Mentions in personal diaries of settlers show the beast has been present in the Oklahoma, Arkansas area for over 200 years.