March is awards month in the movie industry. In addition to the Academy Awards there are several notable events and award ceremonies that run at the same time as the Oscars. These events recognize many of the talented titans of the film industry. Similar to the more publicly viewed Academy Awards many of these smaller alternative awards events share awards in very similar categories to the Oscars. Those awards can include best picture, best direction, best foreign film and of course, Best Actor.
We are very pleased to announce a close connection to one of the winners in the category of BEST ACTOR. The actor we are referring to is Douglas Vermeeren. Indie Wrap has been following the rising star of actor Douglas Vermeeren and has reported on several of his successes and previous film projects. It is with pleasure that we report another highlight in his fast developing career.

On March 12, 2023 the Universal Studios Hilton hosted the largest Academy Awards viewing celebration. Indeed there were more celebrities and film industry leaders who attended this event than the actually Academy Awards. The event featured over 3000 celebrities and top industry leaders celebrating the film industry and cinema. The event was packed wall to wall, complete with a media frenzied red carpet, paparazzi and exclusive VIP list. The event featured a viewing of the televised Oscars ceremony, but during the commercial breaks they handed out their own awards to films and artists that also merited recognition.
This year Douglas Vermeeren was the winner of BEST ACTOR in independent films for 2023. This award was given in response to Vermeeren’s performance in several independent features which were completed or shot in the last 12 months prior to the awards ceremony. While there were many talented people considered for this award, Vermeeren has proven that he is definitely a talent to watch.
“It was a surprise and a true honour to be selected to win this award,” Vermeeren shared. He described the entire experience as a whirlwind experience because “they handed out the awards during the commercial breaks of the Oscars. There wasn’t a lot of time. It was a sudden and shocking invitation to be invited to the stage to accept the award and share a quick quick speech. It all happened so fast. I know I definitely forgot someone.”
Vermeeren was quick to explain that his real acceptance speech was more appropriately shared in a facebook live talking about the award about a day or so later. “In the facebook live I got to share what I really wished I had said at the awards event, and that is that in reality every award is won by a team and not individuals. Movies are made by groups of people and so are performances. I have so many people to thank in helping to get here. I am truly grateful for the support of so many wonderful people around me.”
Naturally winning the award has changed many things for Douglas Vermeeren. The very next day he was scheduled for meetings for future and upcoming projects. While details can’t be released yet he confirmed that he was recently considered for the lead in a project for Disney among those offers.
In addition, to the offers that have appeared Vermeeren has also gained notable media attention and has been conducting countless interviews since the award win. (One of those interviews is the one you are currently reading.)
Certainly big things are on the horizon for Vermeeren. When asked about the future Vermeeren simply shared that, he was, “deeply touched to win the award. Especially considering the incredibly talented people that were also considered. It was literally a dream come true. It definitely inspired me to become a better actor and work harder to develop my abilities as an artist.”

We have no doubt that we will be seeing much more of Douglas Vermeeren in the near future.
Later this year Douglas Vermeeren is featured in the films The Lurker by Adam Jack being shot in Canada this April. Then he will appear in the found footage horror thriller, Big Cats by Chris Sanders which is being shot in the UK in May. After that Vermeeren will be sliding right onto the set of the film Tenants by 13th floor productions this June shooting in Los Angeles.
It’s going to be a busy years as Vermeeren also has several films coming out that have already wrapped. How to Be A Hitman 101 and Recreating 1912 both shot last year are slated to come out in theatres later in 2023.
We wish Douglas Vermeeren the best as things continue to develop in his career. For more on Douglas Vermeeren check out