“Legacy,” is a captivating short documentary written, directed, and performed by Giovannie Espiritu, a visionary Filipina filmmaker. Through the powerful medium of poetry and imagery, Espiritu artfully chronicles her family’s struggles and triumphs.
According to Tellys Executive director Sabrina Dridje, “The caliber of the work this season coming from creators such as Giovannie Espiritu truly has reflected the theme of breaking out and standing out. Our industry is experimenting with new technologies like never before, crafting truly compelling stories to draw attention to some of the world’s most pressing issues, and companies big and small are turning to more sustainable practices to break the cycle of past production processes.”
Reflecting on her win, Espiritu expressed her disbelief, stating, “I am still in shock that this deeply personal project is resonating with so many people, especially in a time when the ubiquity of screens brings more clutter than quality into our lives.” She is currently fundraising for a longer version of her documentary, tentatively entitled, “MotherLand,” which will also incorporate stories from her time in a Biblical doomsday cult.
Telly winners are the creators and innovators who spotlight diverse voices, who are building a more sustainable industry, and who break through the static with their creativity.
This was a record breaking year with nearly 13,000 entries from across the globe and top video and television content producers such as Airbnb, Audible, BET Networks/BET Digital, BritBox, Disney, FEMA, Gaumont, Golden State Warriors, MediaMonks, NASA, National Geographic Society, Netflix, Paramount, PBS Digital Studios and more.
The full list of the 44th Annual Telly Awards winners can be found at www.tellyawards.com/winners.
About Giovannie Espiritu:
Giovannie Espiritu’s identity is inherently political: A bisexual, once-undocumented immigrant Filipina mom who spent time in a Biblical doomsday cult as a teen. Most of her work has taken aim at dismantling the patriarchy, healing generational trauma, and exposing systems of bias with humor. Her IRL and reel life mantra is to “Break Hearts Wide Open and Create More Moments of Joy.” As an actor, she was once nominated alongside Academy Award nominees Alfre Woodard and Amy Irving for Best Supporting Actress, but she didn’t know what to do with that information other than put it on her business card. She is a proud member of the Alliance of Women Directors and the Producer’s Guild of America.
Please contact Giovannie Espiritu for inquiries:
giovannieespiritu@gmail.com or call (310) 869-4993
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