Renowned Filmmaker Zheyu Liang, a visionary filmmaker with an unparalleled talent for captivating audiences through her exceptional storytelling and cinematic style, has established herself both nationally and internationally. She is inspired by real-life stories of humanity and is passionate about telling diverse stories.
Since bursting onto the scene, Zheyu has played leading and critical roles as director, editor, and producer in numerous film productions. She consistently mesmerizes audiences with her unique approach to filmmaking, seamlessly blending artistry and entertainment. Her ability to create compelling narratives that deeply resonate with viewers has earned her worldwide critical acclaim and adoration.
On the national front, Zheyu has achieved remarkable success. Many films in which she played leading and critical roles, such as “Transplant”, “The Bond”, “Heartland”, “The Return”, have been selected by and screened at numerous Oscar-qualifying film festivals. These prestigious festivals include Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, CAAM FEST, DOC NYC, Austin Film Festival, Santa Barbara International Film Festival, Atlanta Film Festival, 16th Chinese American Film Festival, UrbanWorld Film Festival and HollyShorts Film Festival among many others. Many of these films have received awards, solidifying Zheyu’s impact on cinema enthusiasts across the country.
However, Zheyu’s influence extends far beyond national borders. She has collaborated with and created films for internationally renowned corporations and organizations such as Alibaba Group, Tmall Global, ODK Media, Fujifilm and Shanghai Yunsong Culture Communication Co., Ltd. These films have greatly helped these entities establish strong brand identity and enhance their brand reputation. Zheyu’s films have garnered international recognition and praise, elevating them to the status of a true global phenomenon. Her ability to transcend cultural boundaries and connect with diverse audiences has resulted in widespread acclaim.
One of Zheyu’s notable works is the feature documentary “Asian Inspirations”, which she directed and wrote. The film follows three influential community leaders showcasing the footprint and legacy of Asian Americans. It is on air on national and international streaming platforms such as OnDemandChina, OnDemandKorea and OnDemandViet, reaching millions of viewers annually. Zheyu also directed and edited “The Future of Hollywood” a documentary starring three-time Academy Award-winning director Ang Lee, which screened at the Chinese American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California 58th Annual Convention. Additionally, Zheyu edited the popular Chinese web series “Spicy Strawberry House” which aired on Bilibili, one of China’s largest streaming platforms with over 293 million monthly users and garnered over 4.8 million views.
The success of Zheyu can be attributed not only to her creative prowess but also to her unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of filmmaking. She consistently tackles thought-provoking subjects and challenges societal norms, using her platform to shed light on important issues and initiate meaningful conversations. Currently, Zheyu is working on the remarkable feature documentary “One and Only” as a film director, producer, and editor. The film takes a personal and nuanced look at only-child families’ stories and explores the unintended consequences of China’s One Child Policy. It is currently in post-production stage and will be released soon. Another distinguished project Zheyu plans to undertake as a director, producer and editor is a documentary about veterans. It focuses on the Veterans’ Affairs Department’s legacy of creating the middle class in the United States, through housing and education benefits granted to military veterans since the aftermath of World War II. This film will shed light on overlooked issues in the American VA system and explore potential solutions. Additionally, Zheyu will direct and edit a feature project “Tomorrow”, which addresses California’s most vexing homeless issue – the increasing numbers of residents lacking a safe place to call home. These films that Zheyu plays leading and critical roles as a director, editor and producer will be submitted to the top-tier film festivals and seen by a wider audience. These films aim to leave a lasting impact on the audience and promote positive social changes.
With Zheyu’s exceptional talent, dedication, and international and national recognition, Zheyu will remain a true luminary in the realm of filmmaking.