Five Questions With Talent Manager Eric Schulman

Hi Eric! Can you introduce yourself to our readers and share a bit about who you are, where you’re from and what you do? 

Absolutely! My name is Eric Schulman and I’m a talent manager from Long Island, New York now living in Los Angeles. I work with writers, actors, and directors and help guide them on both day-to-day decision making, and long term career strategy. 

What was your path like to becoming a manager? Is it something you went to school for?  

My path to becoming a manager was not the most traditional. I didn’t go to school for it, I actually studied Sociology, which couldn’t have less to do with what I do for a living. I got into this business because I started out as a writer when I was in college and signed with an agent at a major agency. We shopped a book I wrote across town and didn’t end up finding any buyers.

What I did take from the experience, however, is that I really responded to what my agent did for me, being a sort of creative sherpa from project concept to project completion. I thought I could succeed in that arena, and decided to pursue a career in representation, but in Film & Television. 

Do you think you’ll always be a manager? Or could you see yourself pivoting to another part of the industry?

Really when it comes down to it, what really excites me about my job is being able to find and break new talent. Getting to experience their journey to the top with them is incredibly rewarding. So unless something major changes, I’m pretty laser focused on my work in representation.

What do you look for in a client?

It can be hard to put a finger on exactly what it is, but you just know it when you see it. With both actors and writers, I find that it comes down to authenticity that creates that feeling.

A writer with a unique voice and ideas that feels fresh and original will separate themselves from the pack. An actor with a unique look, who really understands and leans into their strengths will also catch my attention.

What are some of your favorite shows and features you’ve watched lately?

I can’t get enough of “The Bear” on FX, Jeremy Allen White will definitely be right in the middle of the Best Actor Emmy conversation. His 8 minute monologue to open the Season Finale is the opportunity actors dream about, and he knocks it out of the Park. On the unscripted side, I’m obsessed with Nathan Fielder’s series “The Rehearsal.”

It’s a brilliant follow up to “Nathan For You” and will make you feel every single possible emotion, and gasp in astonishment several times per episode. On the feature side, I recently saw “Nope”, Jordan Peele’s latest movie, and really enjoyed. It was not really supposed to be a deep social commentary in the way that “Get Out” or “Us” was, but it succeed at it’s goal, which was to be a thrilling monster movie.

Thank you so much for your time!

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