Interview with filmmaker James Alden Miller

James Alden Miller in an American filmmaker who released “The Adventures of R.I.E.B.” – his first film as a director. More than a director, James had different roles in the film industry as an actor, a producer, a writer and a director.

James Alden Miller in an American filmmaker who released “The Adventures of R.I.E.B.” – his first film as a director. More than a director, James had different roles in the film industry as an actor, a producer, a writer and a director. This interview looks back on his career, his inspirations and his challenges.

Hi there! Can you introduce yourself and share a bit about who you are, where you’re from, and what you do?

Hello, my name is Jimmy Miller. I am from Kentucky. I am a former Recon Scout for the U.S. Cavalry and a Retired Army Warrant Officer. I currently perform mainly in short films. This is my first time being a director.

You’ve had different roles in the film industry as an actor, a producer, a writer and a director. Tell us how film making started for you. Is there a specific time / event that made you realize that this is what you wanted to do?

I studied acting under Dr. Jack Wann. I have been acting in theater and film since 2017. I noticed an ad in the local paper for acting classes. I went down to the theater and paid my fee. I have been addicted to the art ever since. He is a brilliant Instructor/Actor. Jay and Elizabeth Welin gave me my first film opportunity. I am still working with them to this day on various film projects.

© The Adventures of R.I.E.B. – 2020

“Despite offering money, I was unable to get actors or production crew to help. Covid of course played a role. I was able to grab some paint, some parts from the hardware store, some old props from other films I worked on, built a few robots, grabbed some children, took my camera and made this film. I hope you enjoy it. I always wanted to make this film, now you can share my story and pursuit.”

James Alden Miller – on directing “The Adventures of R.I.E.B.

You’ve had different roles in the film industry as an actor, a producer, a writer and a director. Tell us how film making started for you. Is there a specific time / event that made you realize that this is what you wanted to do?

I watched the prop makers in the theater and on the film sets and thought to myself; “I can create something even better than that”. I enjoyed building my robots, alien bodies and heads as well as other props. No one ever wanted to use them on their set. I have been wanting to use my creations for years. This was my chance to visually tell a story and test a few skills along the way.

Tell us about your film making process. How do you go from an idea to a produced film?

The first thing I did was look at my available skill set and transform my idea around two things. What I wanted to do and what I ‘actually’ could do. This works with everything from sets, to actors, to camera shots, editing etc. This concept worked for me. Having worked on some failed films and sets also influenced me toward this style of writing and directing. Despite being a fiction enthusiast, I am a strict realist when it comes to real life. Never over reach unless you know, 100%, that you can truly perform the task.

© The Adventures of R.I.E.B. – 2020

Covid really shut everyone down. […] Things got a little crazy.

You said that “Despite offering money, I was unable to get actors or production crew to help. Covid of course played a role.”. What has been your greatest challenge in making the film?

I basically had to film, set up lighting, set the scene, operate the robots, edit the footage, everything was on me. Covid really shut everyone down. Many actors chose to perform from home via video or just not perform at all. Children however, do not have a care in the world. I would say working with the children and my Mother-in-law to play in the commercial was the toughest. No one had acting experience. Things got a little crazy.

My direct influence for the film was two-fold. Logans Run with a Dexter twist. I wanted to follow Michael Anderson and his directing style but carry the concept of Michael C. Hall. Michael C. Hall pulled every viewer into his world and made you desire a serial killer to succeed. Absolutely amazing talent.

© The Adventures of R.I.E.B. – 2020

What would you like the viewers to take from ““The Adventures of R.I.E.B.”?

I wanted every scene to tell a story individually. I hope to take the viewer into a world where they feel like they are right there with R.I.E.B. the whole way. My philosophy for the film is that it should be a conglomeration of events that perpetually became a story.

I am extremely excited to say that I am currently working on the second episode for R.I.E.B.

What are the upcoming projects you are working on?

I wrote many of R.I.E.B.’s adventures prior to filming. I am extremely excited to say that I am currently working on the second episode for R.I.E.B. This next adventure will be very emotional and take the character through unbelievable encounters. This time, I have trained actors and some of a set crew!

What can we wish for your future in filmmaking?

I certainly hope my endeavours for science fiction with a touch of horror and fantasy, will inspire current and future filmmaker’s to reach out beyond the stars and chase their dreams. Maybe some of them will come along for my ride or even ask me to participate in theirs. One should always aspire to improve and achieve even more.

The Adventures of R.I.E.B., directed by James Alden Miller

A scientist transforms himself into a robots computer. The planet the robot is on, is only inhabited by creatures and robots, unless, a ship carrying humans or aliens crashes onto the planet. Is he good or evil? You decide.

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