Are you a fan of films that frequently deal with controversial subject matter and subversive themes or topics of a religious nature?
A lot of people think horror movies are one of the best ways to spend a night with a friend. A night of popcorn, suspense, screaming, and laughing, especially if you have a nice home theater system, can be a so much fun. However, Chris Vaughn creates a tasteful, classier film that speaks to a more seasoned and sophisticated audience.

That is why “The Fifth Chair,” a fantastic addition to the horror film genre that will be sured to shock the modern consumer, by writer/director, Chris Vaughn, builds the suspense through historical backdrops and long established feuds that date back centuries.
Stick to this article to get more enlightened about Chris Vaughn and his new film “The Fifth Chair” currently in Post-Production.
“I don’t watch modern horror films, but given our society’s current estate, I found it necessary to use the genre to resurrect the conversation that has been buried for far too long in the Western World”
Vaughn stated

As a result, watching this artistic suspense can be an entertaining way to dive into a deep subject that often provokes long conversations among friends and acquaintances alike. The content in this film will challenge your preconceived notions of acceptable western moral values, deepen your faith and assist you on your own life’s journey of spiritual discovery.
The Chris Vaughn Company and New Jersey director Chris Vaughn will have “The Fifth Chair” released in the coming months, a new, explicit, must-see thriller. The film examines Christian theology and religious sects and cults in an intelligent, mysterious but shocking light.
The short film has been expertly crafted using the most up-to-date understanding of today’s Christian divisions, factions and demoninational boundaries capturing the ultimate attention of the viewer. The picture has a scary soundtrack, witty dialogue, and a surprising climax that demonstrates Vaughn’s abilities as both a writer and filmmaker. The story lays bare the questions often hidden by the answers given to us by our modern religious leaders of today.

It’s the ideal recipe for a short film packed into about 14 minutes. Not only does it have a good combination of suspense, humor, and plenty of shock value, but it’s also a terrificly scary movie that should be recommended to mature audiences for enjoyment, education and contemplation.
While many people dislike horror movies, this is one of the best options for those that do not approve of the more modern ones that contain excessive gore, blood or extreme violence.
Vaughn’s film is extremely polished and tasteful and puts “careful limits” on any necessary violence depicted on the screen so an age appropriate viewer can enjoy the message without being forced to ingest unnecessary content to move the story to it’s resolution. Every film critic or film fanatic should see this film at least once.

I watched it several times and have discovered very interesting layers in the composition that symbolize different competing idealogies. The seasoned artist has definitely put some research and thought into choosing which brushes and strokes would best present on this film canvas. So, if you’re a big fan of classic horror movies, or if you just like creepy artsy films that make you think about real life, this is wonderful news for you! The Fifth Chair is almost done and will no doubt be talked about for years to come!
Having gone through this article, I hope you now have a basic understanding of the things you need to know about this film, “The Fifth Chair” by writer/director Chris Vaughn, its content, its characteristics, and how useful it can be in terms of entertainment and educational purposes.
Learn more about Chris Vaughn and his new film “The Fifth Chair” at the offical website: or his production company’s website:
Written by Emily Nathan.